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Writer's pictureSerpent

Calling all bandits!

From chemical weapons to oil rigs. Its safe to say as of recent our pockets are heavy with stolen goods.

The Spirit of the Outlaw breaths wild at the moment, except the Sherriff's and Bounty Hunters who dare to test there luck are met with gunpowder grazing there flesh.

If the bandit inside you is calling out now is the time to get involved and see what Rebel Hounds MC is all about.

Our guys have been crusading the map of Los Santos. Dropping in as a squad on active heists and stealing scores from people who have already picked it up for us, easy money.

Banks go easy, a few stoic gunmen is all you really need. However, who needs blood when you have ransom in the form of an innocent life? The morals of the officer's dominate when met with a hostage, allowing way for an easy and fast escape for us. Any man of the law trying to get the hero reputation has his dreams crushed by magazine spray.

Oil rig robberies not only pay good, but also ignite the patriotism inside our American Brothers which is always nice.

Oil rig heists start with an amphibious naval assault, a horde of dinghies swiftly sweeping in buzzing around the bottom of the rig like a bee's nest. From there a team work there way

onto the rig covered under suppressive fire from boat crews.

Once the landing is made its nothing new from there, sweep the floors from bottom to top where at peak you will find a room hack the safe, dive off the rig into the ocean and leave and just like that your up a notch.

It really is a good life...

If easy money is your thing get signed up!

Our brothers have also dipped into radio interception, scrambling tobacco cargo aeroplanes codes to spark a crash. A pack of us races to the site crash and takes cash and tobacco. Again, law enforcement is killed and the goods are taken to a ron de vou point and cuts of cash are distributed to club members. Tobacco is sold to off license stores and whoever buys it really, with the smokers like Sid, John and Trey taking a few pouches of course.

Recruiting is open as usual, get in touch now and earn your place.


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